Of course the various parts and functions of your
body can't hear spoken words. Your heart can't hear
you saying that you appreciate all the hard work it
does for you, never taking a break to rest. Your liver
can't understand if you say you are grateful that it
just keeps on processing out all of the toxins you
ingest day after day. But what are your actions
saying to your body?
Further, what if your body had its own voice? What
might it be saying to you?
"What have you done for me lately? When was the last
time you took me out to do anything? All we do
anymore is sit on this couch night after night just
watching T.V. and eating junk food."
"When was the last time you bought me a decent
"Hello! Why don't pay any attention to me
"Don't you love me?"
Sound familiar? Could this be the voice of your
body? More than once, I've heard women who are
approaching, and those firmly ensconced in middle
age (or not so firmly body-wise), complain that their
body is turning on them. "I'm falling apart. Nothing
works like it used to, and when I get hurt, it
takes twice as long to heal. I can't do half the things
I did just 5 years ago. I hate getting old. My body is
betraying me!"
But what if it's the other way around? Could you be
guilty of betraying your body? It's worked hard for
you all your life. How have you shown your
appreciation? By feeding it the best and healthiest
diet of fresh food? Or do you subscribe to a belief system that
says eating fat and sugar rich, processed and packaged treats is the way to be
good to yourself?
Do you take your body out to play every day? Do
you run with the joy and abandoned you once did
when your body was new and you were enamored of
it? Do you even walk with a bounce in your step? Do
you take your body out in the sunshine (don't forget the sunscreen and your floppy hat), take it swimming or
golfing or riding a bike? Or, do you tell your
body, "It's too much work. Just lie here on the couch
and be quiet."
Conversely, do you overwork your body, forcing it to
perform beyond its endurance, running a race when
its knees or back are aching? Forcing it to keep
working when it is sick with a virus or dis-ease? Or
staying up late into the nights, when it is crying for
As much as any other relationship in your life, the
relationship you have with your body depends on
communication if it is going to thrive. Train your inner
ear to listen to your body telling you what it
needs . . . and doesn't need. Don't let misguided
emotions lead you in the wrong direction. Sure, your
brain might be telling you that a sugar donut or a
bowl of ice cream is just what you need after a
terrible day at work, and the serotonin rush
will dull the stress induced anxiety you're
feeling, but if you listen more closely you might hear
your body saying "Move it!"
Your body knows that the
adrenaline and cortisol racing around in your blood
stream is calling for action and wants you to get up
off your butt, get your arms and legs and heart
pumping and burn off that stress along with a few
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and the same
may well be said about your body. Neglect it, abuse
it and you will feel its wrath in ever increasing and
unpleasant manifestations - from indigestion and
headaches to heart disease and cancer. Treat it
right, and you will have every chance of living a long,
enriching life together.
When it comes to body language, actions definitely speak louder than words.