I long for a serene spirit, but what exactly does that mean? To me it is a quiet center, an inner source of strength, wisdom and compassion. The question is how best to nurture that inner core.
I’m in the business of helping people discover what they need and how to give it to themselves, but how do I give myself serenity? Will I find it by mastering a difficult Yoga pose? Will I move closer with hours of solitary meditation? Must I remove myself to these so called higher spiritual planes to find my own direction? I tell my friends and clients to trust their instincts and listen for what their mind and body need. My instincts tell me I need to be cared for right now, yet my life doesn’t allow for a sabbatical in some remote nature retreat where all my needs are met by an unobtrusive staff (sigh).
The universal law of attraction tells me to project that which I need and I will attract the same. My life has been chaotic this past year. My personal environments reflect the chaos – cluttered, disorganized, in need of TLC. My inner and outer spaces are both in dire need of purity and simplicity. I have a choice. I can sit around contemplating my belly button for however long it takes to manifest a serene spirit that will spill over into my physical world – or – I can start making proactive, positive changes in my physical world, trusting that the spirit will follow.
My sister mentions now and again that it would be nice to have a sign from mother. Boy-howdy would it! But as with my present predicament, I think I’m not seeing the forest for the trees. A few weeks ago I was sitting at my computer, accomplishing virtually nothing other than feeling sorry for myself again. A friend and spirit sister called me to join her in a walk. I was tired, it was cold outside . . . cold inside. I just couldn’t get warm. “Maybe you just need to get up and do something,” she said.
. . . and there it was, a direct message from my mother. I laughed, remembering all those times she would fling open the doors in the middle of winter to get some fresh air into the house. When I complained of the cold, she told me to get up and get working and I’d be warm soon enough.
An indulgent, pampering retreat may be out of the question right now, but for about the same investment, securing an estate buyer for my parent’s house and a professional organizer for mine will go a long way toward some peace of mind – and spirit. As my dear mother was so very fond of saying, “It’s about time.”
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