Tuesday, July 31


For those of you who have been with me for a while and missing the regular newsletter that just showed up in your email and was easy to understand and navigate, take heart ~ I will be returning to that format (after some changes at Constant Contact - the service that maintains my list and sends the newsletter format).

In the meantime, here are some instructions to help
you navigte around Blog Spot.
If at any time you accidentally navigate away from this page,
just click the back button/arrow on your browser.

See the dark blue bar at the top of the screen? (okay, you probably have to scroll up for that - sorry). If you are looking for a blog on a particular subject, or know the name of the blog (by the way blog is slang for web log) but can't remember the www , type your search term in the white box and click on Search. DON'T DO IT NOW, unless you want to leave this page.

Next is the Flag Blog. If you let your mouse pointer hover over that button, you'll see that it allows you to report objectionable content.

Next Blog will take you to the next blogger site at Blog Spot. I don't know who/what that might be - I think they are listed alphabetically.

Create Blog. Want to set up your own blog and start posting articles? Be sure to include me in your mailing list if you do!
Sign In. If you've created a blog site of your own, this is where you sign in to write and manage your posts.

Now take a look at the bottom of this page where you see in small print "Posted by Judith" followed by a time. As long as you are reading the Living Well blog, you'll see my name there.
Next to that is Comments. If you hover your mouse pointer, you will see that it is a link. Click on it if you'd like to leave a comment that I and others can read. Please do leave me comments. I'm very interested in your opinions and feelings.

To the right of the comment link, is a little picture of an envelope. You can click on that to forward this blog post to your friends. Please do forward to all of your friends who might be interested. I am trying to reach a mailing list of 250 subscribers for the Living Well Newsletter.
Click on Older Posts to take you backwards one post at a time.

Now this part is a little tricky and some of you have mentioned that you can't figure it out. To Subscribe to posts, hover your mouse pointer over Posts (atom). Don't ask me what the atom means. If anybody out there knows, clue me in. When you click on it, you will be able to subscribe to a feed that goes to your "favorites."

Remember favorites or frequently visited sites? That's the sites you bookmark to visit again. If you're using Internet Explorer ( I can only guess that Netscape Navigator must be similar) you can either click on Favorites in the tool bar at the top of the page, or you might have a little star icon for the same purpose. When you click, you'll get a drop down menu of your favorite sites.

Go ahead and do that now. Besides the list of your favorite sites, you should also see Feeds and History. When you subscibe to this blog, you will be able to check the feed by clicking on the button. You'll get another drop down menu that will show Living Well ~ body, mind, spirit (and any other feeds you may have subscribed to). Hover over the title and a little yellow box will tell you the number of new posts since you last visited the Living Well Blog. If it says "0" try clicking on the "refresh" sign (two green arrows) at the right. New posts are automatically updated every day, but if I posted something in less than 24 hours since your last visit - it will show up when you click the green arrows. If you want to read the new posts, just click on the title and "Shazam!" You'll be whisked to the Living Well Blog site.

What about all the stuff on the left side of the page? Well, first there is a summary of my profile. If you want to read more about me (not much more) you can click on View my complete profile. Below that is the list of archived posts. I think there is a bit of overkill here, but . . .
The first listing shows the number of posts for the current year. Below that is the number of posts for the current week. Below that is the most recent post - this one shows a title. As you moved down the line, there are previous weeks, then previous years. If you click on 2006, for instance, you will get a page that displays all the posts for 2006. All you have to do to read them is scroll down.

That concludes the tour of the Living Well Blog page. Hope you enjoyed your visit. Please come again soon and tell all of your friends to check it out too. (Uh, can you tell I work part time in museum that offers guided tours?)


Welcome to the ALL NEW Living Well!

What’s new about it? I am celebrating the completion of requirements and testing for certification with the Spenser Institute and N.E.S.T.A. Spencer Institute has been granted full board professional accreditation & certification by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Officially, I am a Life Strategies Coach with a Health & Wellness Designation.

What else is new? A stronger than ever conviction that a big part of wellness in today’s society includes financial health. In future newsletters, you’ll be hearing more about gaining control of your money, instead of letting money control your life. In the meantime, learn how you can jump start your journey to financial wellness right now through paying down your debt and enjoying financial freedom!

To read this complete posting, visit