Sunday, November 27


I’ve learned a lot about death this year. My mother-in-law died last autumn, then my own mother suffered a heart attack in January and died three days later. Her last words to me before they took her into surgery were “Don’t leave your father alone.”

I still have a teenager at home. I live in a rural community and have a 30 mile commute to work. My husband drives a semi-truck over the road and all the chores of home ownership fall on my shoulders. How could I possibly fit one more thing on my heaping-full plate? Still, somebody had to take care of my father.

At 84 years old and having had the benefit of my mother’s all encompassing care for 61 years of marriage, Dad didn’t know how to turn on the oven. He couldn’t operate a washing machine or dishwasher, and beyond a pan fried steak, eggs, toast and heating his coffee in the microwave, he didn’t have a clue about cooking.

“I’m staying in my home,” he declared. “I’m not going to live with anybody and I’m not moving into a senior apartment. I’m going to learn to be independent.” And he did just that. At first, I could hardly believe it, but with each newly acquired skill, I grew more and more proud of my father – and amazed at his resilience.

In the beginning I was at his house every day, either before or after work. I asked him if he wanted me to do his laundry. He answered “No thank you. I just did a load yesterday.” I showed him how to fry bacon in Mom’s George Foreman grill. My husband, a bachelor for 14 years before we married, gave him the recipe for crock pot pork chops.

Dad had stopped driving more than 15 years ago, turning the wheel over to Mom. Before her death, they still made the 60 mile round trip into town three times a week. I wondered how he’d manage with me taking him only once a week. Then one spring day, after all the snow had melted, my father backed the car out of the garage and drove to town by himself. A wide grin spread across his face when, the next day, he told me he thought he did okay.

I worried at first, but accepted that he was in his right mind and still capable of making his own decisions. Often after that, he’d call me at work to say he was coming to town and asked me to join him for lunch. Dad and I settled into a comfortable routine. I called to check on him frequently and visited him at least three times a week. He looked forward to home cooked Sunday dinner at my house as much for the food as for the change of scenery.

Still, the weight of my mother’s words weighed heavy on my shoulders. In her last years she was adamant about never leaving him alone. I felt she would be angry with me for neglecting him. At first I tried to bully my sister into helping out, demanding that she make the 6 hour trip home more often. I encouraged my Dad to visit my brother in Texas, get away from the cold and gray Wisconsin winter.

In April, he finally got on the plane, but he stayed in Texas only three days. I think he was trying get away from the loneliness he felt at home, their home, where every room, every wall, every knick-knack and painting was imprinted with the memory of my mother. But the loneliness followed him so he returned. I knew then there would be no extended visits to give me a break.

I was the child who never moved away. There were more demands on me than on my siblings. I didn’t always get along with my parents. I know there were times they must have been fed up with me as well, but I was there. Many times I envied my sister and brother who lived a life separate from our parents. I wanted that freedom now more than ever.I was so busy resenting my brother and sister, that I nearly missed the shift taking place between my father and I.
Always hungry for a hot meal, Dad became one of those widowers who attend the funerals of those he knew even remotely, and he always asked me to accompany him. I joked with my husband that my new social life consisted of eating funeral meatballs with dad. I tried not to be embarrassed when he was ready to leave as soon as he’d filled his belly.

I sat on the porch swing with him, waved hello to passing neighbors and tried to teach him how to care for mother’s gardens. I cooked for him and, sometimes, he cooked for me. I began to truly enjoy my time with him. Then one day I realized that I was no longer just his daughter. I had become my father’s friend and he had become mine. All at once, any resentment I felt over my brother and sister’s perceived freedom melted away. Instead I felt sorry that they would never know this side of their father.

Spring finally turned to summer and summer faded into fall. I stopped worrying about the statistics that told me widows and widowers often die soon after their spouses. And then, just when I thought some of his loneliness was subsiding and he was looking ahead again, just when I thought he’d be around for a while longer (after all his own father lived into his 90’s), my father died. Too soon after I’d decided to let go of all my resentment and cherish the time I had with my father, he was gone.

I’d spoken with him just the night before. I had the next day off, the forecast predicted a warm autumn day and we made plans to button up his yard for winter. I found him lying on his back, his feet at my mother’s potting shed with the door ajar. He was cold, not breathing. I called 9-1-1 and then went back out to hold his hand. I laid my head on his chest and cried. When the paramedics arrived they went though the motions, but we all knew my father was dead.
With the death of my mother, I lost the one person in the world with whom I shared a body, the person who gave birth to me, nurtured me and taught me everything I know about being a woman, wife and mother. With my father’s death came the loss of the one person who always supported me, always protected me. The person, who instilled in me the values I still hold true today, honesty, fairness, hard work and duty.

It’s been a year of death for me, a year of sorrow that penetrated my very bones, but it’s also been a year of life, of learning to be grateful for what I have instead of resenting what I don’t have. A year of learning that love is all about what you do and not at all about what you say. And that life is about what’s happening right now, not tomorrow, next week or next year.
I will miss my parents forever. I find some measure of comfort in believing that they are together again, that my father isn’t lonely anymore. And whenever my loss starts hurting too much I try to remember that in their life, and in their dying, they gave me everything I will ever need to survive.


Nutrition Labels 101

You are what you eat, but do you know what you’re eating? Learning to read and make sense of the information provided on nutrition labels is easy. Once you master it, you can take charge of your healthy diet.

Every food product has a Nutrition Facts panel somewhere on the packaging. The first thing listed is the Serving Size. Right below that you will see Servings per Container. This is very important information. Many packages you might think are a single serving actually contain two or more portions.

Below the serving information you will see the heading Amount per Serving. Following will be the break-down of calories, fat, and nutrients. Remember that these figures are per serving only so you may have to brush up on your multiplication tables. Pre-packaged bakery style muffins, (like blueberry, or my favorite – lemon poppy seed) are a good example. If you check you’ll see that the whole muffin is often two servings. Now, most of us are going to eat the whole thing, so to get accurate information the amounts per serving must be multiplied by two.

First up are Calories. You will see that this figure is broken down into categories: total calories per serving and calories from fat. Since about 1/3 of our daily calorie intake should be from healthy fats, a good rule of thumb is to keep the fat content in everything you eat at l/3 or less of the total calories. For instance, if the total calorie count is 90, you would divide that by 3 to come up with 30. If the calories from fat are more than 30, it’s a higher fat product. Once caveat – the fats in pre-packaged foods are rarely (let me rephrase that – almost never) healthy fats, so the lower that fat number is, the better for you.

The next item on the nutrition label is Total Fat. This number is listed in grams, but if you multiply the grams of fat by 10, it should be close to the number of calories from fat. Also in this section, fats will be broken down into Saturated (animal fat and butter are examples), Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated and Trans-fats.

Despite a great deal of hype on Trans-fats right now, Saturated fat is still the least healthy choice. The confusion comes from evidence that trans-fats raise only LDL (bad) cholesterol, while saturated fats raise HDL (good) cholesterol as well as LDL levels. If you think about it, it begins to make sense. Yes, we would all like to see higher HDL levels in our cholesterol numbers, but surely not at the expense of higher LDL levels that come with the saturated fats.

If you want the skinny on fats, visit for comprehensive information that will explain the good fat/bad fat theory and why it’s dangerous to think that you can never have too much of a good thing. The bottom line is that fat is fat and it must be limited in healthy diets. So pay attention to those fat numbers on nutrition labels – the lower the better.

Following fats is Sodium. Again, most of us get far more sodium/salt in our diets than we need. Look for no or low sodium numbers when reading nutrition labels. Get the breakdown on sodium levels at

Carbohydrates are listed by total grams, and then broken down into Dietary Fiber and Sugars. The relationship between added sugars and diet quality is complex. It might help to remember that naturally occurring sugar, such as that in fruit, is better for you than the white stuff added to almost everything in a package. It might also help to remember that we can live with absolutely no added sugar in our diets. Aim for high fiber low sugar numbers.

A note here ~ Foods labeled sugar free may be higher in fats and foods labeled fat free are almost always higher in sugar. If you’re trying to lose weight, pay more attention to the total number of calories than whether or not it is fat and/or sugar free.

Next on the list is Proteins. Protein is generally found in meat, fish, eggs, cheese/dairy products. Soy and nuts are also sources of protein. Unfortunately for our waistlines and our arteries, many proteins are high in fats. Try for a combination of high protein and low fat for a healthy diet – like fish, lean meats, soy and fat-free plain yogurt.

The rest of the nutrition label will list miscellaneous nutrients and vitamins in relation to the percentage of daily recommendations. It could become rocket science to try calculating and meeting 100% of your daily recommended intake. Just put this in the nice to know category and take a good quality multi-vitamin every day.

Keep reading to the bottom of the label. This is what I call the You May Be Interested to Know section. Here you might read that the food is or isn’t a significant source of a particular nutrient, fat or vitamin. It may also detail information about reduced sugar or fat as compared to the full fat and sugar counterpart.

When it comes to your healthy diet, it pays to be a label snob.