Thursday, December 6


In my coaching practice I have often used the analogy that if your life's dream is to dance the ballet, but you have become somehow physically disabled or confined to a wheelchair, you might want to recraft your dream, finding something that evokes the sames feelings and results as dancing.

Now I have a new analogy, the one I will tell about how this video defined my own self limiting beliefs and transformed me as a coach. I was't paying close enough to my own mantra, Dream It - Believe It - Achieve It. I felt that it would be wrong of me to encourage certain clients to pursue a seemingly impossible dream. I won't make that mistake again.

These two inspirational dancers are a perfect illustration of not conforming to the accepted norm, of charting a new course that will take them to their dream. They have proven that the ballet is just as beautiful and can evoke great depths of emotion in the their audience, regardless of what most might see as insurmountable limitations.

This video is my gift to you for the season. I hope you enjoy the lovely, moving performance as much as I did.

At a time of year, when we are bombarded with media stories about the stress that comes wrapped up in the holiday package, I urge you to tune out that defeating message. Instead why not believe that the holidays hold great joy and contentment for you and your loved ones. Perhaps if you believe it, it will be so.

So, however you celebrate the holidays, I wish you the best ever!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Save this and on a day that really has you down replay it, then ask yourself "why am I having a pity party for myself".

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful way to show the world that no matter what the challenge that comes your way, you can meet it and continue to follow your dreams to reach for the stars...

Anonymous said...

As sit here in my power wheelchair and watch this magnificent performance I wish I was young again and not 84yrs old. Even tho' I was limited by polio as a baby I always wanted to dance. I dreamed once that I was a ballerina and as I danced I wondered at the fact that I could balance on my legs, it was wonderful!! And now I see a lost opportunity. I COULD HAVE TRIED HARDER. But I did achieve something, I had my voice and performed. But to be able to dance like this! THE CHALLENGE! And win.